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Richard & Liz


Cornish Heritage Ventures is a hosting company with a difference. The company is owned and run by Richard & Liz Pomeroy. You get to deal with real people who really care! We have a number of years experience in our own businesses and combine that with several years in “Corporate America.” These experiences have enabled us to develop a professional, efficient and personal service. Richard has been involved professionally with computers since he was 17 and left his lucrative corporate job several years ago. Since then Richard and Liz have been working together on various enterprises, all of which have utilized Richard’s extensive computer programming and management knowledge. You now have the chance to use those skills for your advantage!

Why the name Cornish Heritage Ventures? We are originally from the county of Cornwall in England so ‘Cornish’ is our ‘Heritage’. The ‘Ventures’ came about as life is definitely an adVenture here & we never know what we are going to get into next. Our life is definitely not what some folks would call ‘normal’, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

We live a very down to earth life & are so very blessed. Yes, we have computers etc. (sort of necessary when you have an internet hosting company!), but we focus a lot on bringing our children up to enjoy the simple things of life. Married for over 30 years, we are the proud parents of five children, the three youngest coming to us via adoption, along with a beautiful daughter-in-law and three granddaughters.

You can follow the ups and downs of our lives on our blog. Just something else to make us a little different.

Richard & Liz


Dave Johnston


Dave (pictured with his wife, Anna and daughter, Courtney) has over 20 years of website design experience. Sharing the same values as Richard and Liz, Dave is a people person with extraordinary skills in deciphering your vision for a website and bringing that vision to life. Whether starting from scratch or updating your current website, Dave definitely can assist you from start to finish making sure that all your website needs are provided for.

One of the complaints we receive from new customers is their frustration in not being able to contact their “web guy”. They leave messages that take days to return, and also can’t get quick service. You’ll not find that here. Dave realizes your time is valuable and therefore offers excellent customer service and quick turn around time.  Dave also offers online video tutorials customized to your website that gives you step by step instructions on how to edit your own website content if so desired.  Yes, our CUSTOMER SERVICE ROCKS!

Our Services

We provide a wide array of software design an development services


We can create your website for you as simple or a complicated as you like.

Phone Apps

We can develop a Phone App for your business, church or organization. It’s cheaper than you think! Take a look.


Websites are fine, but you need somewhere reliable to host them. We can handle that for you.


With extensive experience in the computer field we are able to help you with a wide variety of issues.